What Are the Best Security Cameras for Your Home?


Explore What Makes for the Best Fit in Your Video Surveillance System

As you investigate video surveillance systems for your new home or remodel in New Orleans, LA, most of the focus will be on which types of security cameras to employ. Of course, the right cameras will depend on the overall goals for your surveillance, but there are some standard recommendations we can make. Outlined in this blog are the main camera models and the features we think are the most important for keeping your family safe.

Camera Models

Even though video surveillance companies boast hundreds of different camera models, they usually fall into two categories. For the most part, you’ll be deciding between bullet and dome cameras, with the exact model you choose dependent on the features you want.  

The traditional bullet cameras you're used to seeing are ideal for outdoor use. Housed in a sturdy structure, they are tamper and weatherproof. In addition, since they don't have glass casings, they deliver better IR performance in the dark and are less affected by glare from sunlight.

Dome cameras are more commonly used indoors since they have a cleaner aesthetic. Fisheye domes can be placed in the center of a room to get a 360-degree view. In some cases, dome models have multiple cameras, with software piecing the footage together for a smoother 360-degree capture. 

Top Camera Features

Pan-Tilt-Zoom is one of the most sought-after camera features, though it's best employed in a professional setting with dedicated security staff. It lets you pan, tilt and zoom cameras to get a better view of the area. However, remote access apps have made this capacity a little more popular in residential settings to give homeowners greater visibility over their property.

The other two important features focus on image quality. One big consideration in surveillance systems is figuring out pixel coverage. For each foot of space, you need about 50 pixels. Leveraging high-pixel-count cameras will reduce the number of cameras required. In outdoor settings, a high-dynamic-range is vital since it helps cameras perform in brightness (though you still want to avoid placing cameras where they’d get direct sunlight).

Network Cameras

In a typical home surveillance system, network cameras connect to a switch that forwards the content to your video recorder. Many security cameras offer 4K resolution, so network cameras also include compression protocols that boost your security and bandwidth. These cameras are easier to monitor and service remotely when they are a part of your network.

Indoor cameras that bring with them genuine privacy concerns are typically routed through a separate network switch. That way, your installer can set strict recording rules for these cameras to protect your privacy and, if desired, create more stringent security protocols for them as well.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

Your security cameras should always come with a concrete support and maintenance plan. No technology leaves your home more vulnerable if it malfunctions than a home surveillance system. Our service plans offer 24/7 support to remotely test the cleanliness, storage, functionality, and security of your network cameras.

Service plans powered by Parasol alert our technicians of a problem immediately, and they often resolve it remotely before you experience any dangerous downtime. However, remote monitoring systems will only relay the status of the cameras, and technicians will not be able to view any private footage of your home.


Reach out to our video surveillance experts to determine what camera and system design will best protect your family. Schedule a consultation with our team by calling, filling out our contact form or chatting with us below.

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