The Best Benefits of Lighting Control

Enjoy These Features in Your Lafayette HomeLighting control is one of the most sought-after features in a smart home – mainly because it is so convenient. There are actually many benefits you may not even know about. Installing smart lighting will not only make your home look bright and beautiful, but it can also help your family save energy, money, and increase safety in your Lafayette, LA home. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Save EnergyAccording to Lutron, installing dimmers in your home can you up to 20% on energy. The reason for this is that dimmers allow you to lower your lighting levels so they don’t turn on to full capacity every time to lift a switch. Dimming lights down to at least 30% can dramatically increase your energy savings and affect your electric bill. Lighting uses up the most energy, followed by the heating and cooling system, and then electronics, so this is the biggest area for savings. Another way to save energy with lighting is by adding occupancy sensors. Timers were quite popular at one point, but occupancy sensors work even better by detecting when a person is in the room. As soon as you leave, the lights shut off. Electricity will never be wasted and you’ll have one less thing to worry about.

2. Save TimeTime is precious; most of us have busy schedules. We’re always running in and out of the house. You probably spend a fair amount of time running around the house turning off all the lights before you leave, and if you’re in a hurry, the lights stay on and you waste energy. You can save time and energy by using lighting controls that tie all of your lights together. Imagine hitting one button at the front door before you leave in the morning and all of the lights turn off. Not to mention, it’s extremely convenient to be able to hit one button on your phone or wall to light up your home, or get ready for bed.

3. Save Your HomeBelieve it or not, lights can play a part in protecting your home from intruders. Place lights with sensors around the perimeter of your home so they turn on when a person approaches. If a stranger walks up in the middle of the night, you’ll be alerted with the light immediately, and it will likely deter them from continuing. We can also integrate lights with your security system so lights turn on with the alarm if it’s ever triggered in the evening. As a precautionary measure, our team can also create a “mockupancy” setting that turns lights on and off at varying times to make it seem as if a person is home while you are away. Robbers will think twice about entering you home if they think someone is there.

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