Solutions for Designers: What About That TV?

A great home interior always maintains a consistent scheme throughout.  Architects and designers work closely to create the kind of ambience the homeowner client desires. Sometimes, though, introducing technology into a room can interfere with that ambience...but it doesn't have to!  Certainly not when you have experienced technology experts who keep "design magic" on hand for just such an occasion!

Since an "Old World" look is so popular with finer homes, we thought we'd demonstrate a problem and suggest some solutions.

Problem. The home below has a certain look its trying to achieve.  With the furniture removed, its easier to see the problem:

That TV!  What's that doing in a room like this?  Well, truth be told, it probably needs to be there as a main place for family gatherings.  But we would suggest hiding it exactly where it is now!  We'll show you how a little further in this article.  You might also notice the speakers to either side (visible just beyond the columns) and another center speaker right above that flatscreen?  Painting the grills to match the room is a great idea.  But if you want those to be impossible to see, we recommend speakers like LiveWall.  Even your painter will never know they are there!

Solution A.  Let's suppose you, your architect and your designer have collaborated on a room with the following look:

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Hear It, Don't See It

Can you find the subwoofer hidden in this picture?  Maybe you're thinking, "I won't find it. A subwoofer is that large speaker box located near the floor BELOW the TV."

Ah, think again.  You're actually looking at it right now!  So, let's see what's in this photo.

There are two A/C vents, one recessed canister light, a flatscreen TV backlit with LED lighting, and the in-wall mounted left speaker column.

Well guess what?  That A/C vent nearest the canister light is actually a disguised subwoofer!  Of course your subwoofer is the speaker that provides those very deep bass sounds that sometimes make the floor rumble like thunder when you watch a movie or let you feel the kick of the bass drum when listening to music.

Most assume subwoofers must be placed at or near the floor level.  That isn't always the case.  So if it makes sense to not place a subwoofer under your TV, ask your professional A/V installer about placement options that would work well for your room.

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