By aciexperts on Monday, 08 March 2021
Category: Home Audio Video

Enhance Your Listening Experience - By Adding More Low End

Too Many Audio Systems Leave Out A Critical Component Of Music Reproduction. Find Out How To Add More Bass

Music holds a special place in our lives; we use it to define ourselves, inspire us, and bring us peace of mind. Songs have special meaning, harkening us back to our youth or evoking memories.

The significance of music is woven into our conscience, the human relationship going back 40,000 years. Your music system should respect that amazing fact, providing you with the highest quality reproduction possible.

Whole-home audio-video systems furnish you with audiophile quality sound reproduction, bringing music to your day in any room or to the entire house. While these highly tuned components generate satisfying sound all too often, they lack a vital element - the subwoofer. 

Are you looking for the best sound in your Baton Rouge, LA smart home? Read more to find out why subwoofers are essential to your music enjoyment.

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High-Definition Audio, Streamed

The modern smart home entertainment systems are centered around streaming content from your curated collection or, more commonly, from platforms. Quite often, streaming services furnish you with 'just good enough' audio quality.  This is done to accommodate the average mobile device listener and minimize bandwidth on less robust networks

In recent years both artists and the public have begun to demand high-resolution options. Musicians want you to hear their songs as they intended, and you want that full-throated experience of music that moves you. Bass is a vital part of that experience, and compressed files often sacrifice the depth of recordings.  Responding to this call, services such as Spotify, Deezer, Amazon HD and TIDAL now offer file formats like FLACC and MQA (Master Quality Authenticated).

The Significance of Subwoofers

When subwoofers are mentioned, most people think of powerful bone-rattling units installed in home theaters or exotic listening rooms. The idea that you can, and should, add one to each room you listen to music is put aside by many.

Music is made up of a multitude of frequencies, from the initial chords to the harmonics produced as a string continues to vibrate. The lower frequencies give you a physical response, drawing you in with its ability to actually move you. Regardless of the genre of music you listen to, the bass provides body and depth to a tune.

Standard speakers sets, soundbars, and mobile devices attempt to compensate for their small driver sizes by employing psycho-acoustic processing to trick your brain into 'hearing' more bass than they can produce. Adding real subs to your home creates deeper tones and more clearly defined sound fields. Have your music come alive whether you use floor models or in wall-based.

Built Around Your Desires

Automation systems are often built around the desire to have our home audio-video content distributed around the house. Control interfaces feature the ability to have access to streaming services and the artist and song's information, all at the touch of a button. All of this to deliver your music where you want, when you want. Complete your listening experience with the addition of subwoofers to your audio components. 

Are you ready to get more out of your home audio-video installation? Call us at (225) 906-2589 or fill out our online contact form to request a no-obligation consultation.

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